Nassau County: New Tax Assessments Go Online

Blog June 7, 2018 By Admin

New tax assessments for Long Island’s Nassau County property owners are going online. Here’s what you need to know…

There has been a lot of debate over new Nassau County tax assessments which are coming to every commercial and residential property in the tax district. It’s been a long time coming. Some have posed it as a way to correct years of flawed assessments and over-billing of hundreds of thousands of local business and homeowners. Of course, few may be happy that this is coming right when property values are at new highs. Versus having adjusted assessments down when values were declining and hit rock bottom after the 2008 crisis.

Now these tax assessments will be available online. Notices of assessments and changes will no longer be mailed to property owners and taxpayers. This is creating even more debates over the motives of those in control. Some could argue that this is only a smart and logical step to save money on mail, help out of area owners and become a little more environmentally friendly. Yet, even the Tax Receiver doesn’t agree, and recently accused the county of not only being misguided, but using this tactic to hurt more Long Island property owners financially. Without notices in the mail many may not realize that their tax assessments have gone up substantially. They may miss opportunities to grieve tax assessments and wind up paying far more than their fair share. That would certainly work out wonderfully for the county which already owes huge sums in tax refunds.

If you haven’t been challenging your property tax bills and assessments there is a very high chance that you are being overcharged each year. It may be almost certain that you are according to recent investigative studies by Newsday Long Island.

Those that own residential or commercial real estate on Long Island, or are responsible for paying the taxes need to be aware of their tax assessments, and the factors that result in increases to annual bills. You can now go online to check for assessments, taxes owed, tax rates, properties being used as comparable sales, and potential exemptions. Though of course the county claims no responsibility for the accuracy of information they provide.

Check your tax assessment amount regularly. Compare your home with neighbors’ taxes and on any property before buying. Know the history and what nearby sales or developments may trigger higher taxes in the new future.

Then get the help of a professional at Property Tax Adjusters, Ltd. to appeal your new assessments.